Functional Fitness for Better Living & Sport Performance



Using functional training and integrating different approaches, training programs are targeted to help your body move the way it was designed to. Being fit contributes to healthier lifestyle and bodyweight, looking and feeling your best. Functional training works with your body's design for movement patterns.

Good biomechanics and posture reduce injuries, while good sport conditioning practice means that your workout is efficient and aligned to your goals and needs. Following the right plan helps you reach your goals without compromising foundational steps that protect you from injury.

Because of the focus on functional training, we are especially successful with out-of-the-box unique requirements. Equifitt training works for seniors, injury post-rehab, disability and conditions, as well as competitive sport clients. Because you need more than a canned workout.

Living better and reaching your physical activity or sport goals happens when your training meets you where you are at.

Since Equifitt is not a gym facility, we have a lot of experience working with clients who prefer training:

- outdoors or for outdoor sports and activities
- in the privacy of your home
- using minimal equipment
- taking disability or medical condition into consideration
- with the convenience of bringing your trainer wherever you are by Internet.

Contact Equifitt today about a personal fitness program. Training also available virtually (online with Skype).

CBC Radio host Elizabeth Hay, 'Fit at Fifty' Interview about older bodies and seasonal activities like gardening, and preventing injury through fitness (9 min)

Fitness Services

See the Services page for a more complete description of service formats

-Personal fitness training & program design
-Sport conditioning
-Post-rehab /special considerations (age, condition)
-Weight loss
-Workshops & Talks
-Facilitated fascial stretch therapy
-Active life or wellbeing coaching

By Skype: everything above except stretch therapy